Significance of Āyurvedic Trees in the Vedas

Present & Future Perspectives

  • Prajñā Panda


The Vedas are the oldest scriptures in this Universe and it is the source of all knowledge. These are known as the divine or origin. These Vedas contain systematic scientific knowledge as well as knowledge of the creation of the world. Every type of
knowledge is available in these Vedas. The Āyurveda is a part of the Vedas and it deals with various diseases, medicines, trees, plants, etc. 

Generally, the tree may be defined as a perennial plant having fully distinguishable root and shoot system. In general, they are woody with well developed vascular tissue. The earliest mention of the trees is found in the Ṛgveda, the oldest repository of human knowledge. A long hymn (X.97) of the Ṛgveda is devoted to worshipping the trees and plants with special reference to their healing properties. In the Atharvaveda or Brahma Veda trees and plants are also mentioned with special reference to their healing properties and their capacity of warding of the demons. In the Ṛgveda, the cult of trees is well recognized. Therefore, the trees were implored to bestow for good off spring, various worldly amenities and also for long life without any disease. 


Atharvaveda Saṁhitā (1985): ed. by S. Damodar Satvalekar, Paradi: Svadhyaya Maṇḍala, 4 Volumes.
Baudhāyana Dharma Sūtra (1994): ed. with Vivaraṇa comm. of Sri Govinda Swami by U.C. Pandey, Kashi Sanskrit Series No. 104, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, 4th edition.
Caraka Saṁhitā (1981, 1983, 1985): tr. into English by P.V. Sharma, Varanasi: Chowkhamba Orientalia, 3 Volumes.
Nighaṇṭu and the Nirukta (1984): ed. and tr. into English by Lakshman Sarup, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, reprint.
Ṛgveda Saṁhitā (1985): ed. by S. Damodar Satavalekara, Pardi: Svadhyaya Maṇḍala, four Volumes.
Ṛgveda Saṁhitā--- The Hymns of Ṛgveda (1971): tr. into English by R.T.H. Griffith, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 2 Volumes.
Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa: with the comm. of Sāyaṇācārya, ed. by N.S. Godbole, Sanskrit Granthavali-37, Poona: Ananda Ashram, 3 Volumes, no publication date mentioned.
Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa (1985) with the comm. of Bhaṭṭa Bhāskara Mishra, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 4 Volumes.
Taittirīya Saṁhitā (Black Yajurveda) (1958): ed. by S. Damodar Satavalekar, Paradi: Svādhyāya Maṇḍala, 4th edition.
Upaniṣatsaṛgraha (1970): ed. by J.L. Shastri, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Eighteen Principal Upaniṣhads (1958): ed. by V.P. Limaye & R.D. Vedekar, Poona: Vaidika Saṁśodhana Maṇḍala.
Thirteen Principal Upaniṣads (1983): tr. into English by R.E. Hume, Delhi: Oxford University Press, reprint.
Yajurveda Saṁhitā (1957): ed. by S. Damodar Satavalekara, Pardi: Svadhyaya Mandala, Maharashtra.
Yajurveda Saṁhitā (1957) tr. into English by R.T.H. Griffith, Banaras: E.J. Lazarus & Co.
How to Cite
PANDA, Prajñā. Significance of Āyurvedic Trees in the Vedas. วารสารมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 112-118, dec. 2018. ISSN 1686-8897. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 mar. 2025.